Start-Up: Episode 3 Recap

In the third episode of Start-Up, Do-San intends to meet with Dal-Mi but Ji-Pyeong drags him into his car. Do-San takes a look at the letter and asks Ji-Pyeong if the letter is for him. Ji-Pyeong is in pain but he still admits it.

Start-Up: Episode 3 Recap

Start-Up: Episode 3

Do-San reads the letter and learns that Dal-Mi gets soaked when she has an umbrella. He cannot understand it and badmouths Dal-Mi. Ji-Pyeong has a fight with Do-San.

Dal-Mi shows up at the party. She feels lonely because she knows nobody. She has to leave when people talk. She spots A-Hyun. A-Hyun spots Dal-Mi back. Dal-Mi turns around to avoid A-Hyun. But she finds out that she’s talking with her friends.

Do-San walks to Dal-Mi and asks her if she’s waiting for her. She admits it but hugs him. Because she thinks it’s not the right time to talk. She tells him that she lied to her sister that they’re in love. In-Jae walks to Dal-Mi and thinks she tried to hide. Dal-Mi denies.

A-Hyun smiles at Dal-Mi and thinks she’s grown up. But Dal-Mi refuses to call A-Hyun mom. It makes A-Hyun unhappy. Dal-Mi introduces Do-San as her boyfriend. In-Jae gives her business card to Do-San, and asks him if he and Dal-Mi are going to founding a company.

Do-San hesitates. Dal-Mi wants to tell In-Jae the truth. Do-San tells In-Jae that he asked Dal-Mi to be the CEO of his company, but she didn’t promise it. He tells In-Jae and A-Hyun to persuade Dal-Mi. Do-San gives In-Jae his business. She asks him if he got any funding round. He doesn’t know how to explain it to her.

Ji-Pyeong shows up and tells In-Jae that he’s interested in Do-San’s company. Do-San tells Dal-Mi that Ji-Pyeong is an angel. He is taken away by Ji-Pyeong. Ji-Pyeong tells Do-San that people treat him as a hotshot CEO because he stays with him.

Ji-Pyeong takes Do-San to the parking lot and tells him to drive Dal-Mi home. He tells him to tell Dal-Mi that he has a girlfriend. But Do-San says that he’s single. Ji-Pyeong glares at Do-San. A-Hyun hugs Dal-Mi and tells her that she misses her.

Dal-Mi pushes A-Hyun away and tells In-Jae that she will defeat her with Do-San’s help. In-Jae smiles because she doesn’t think Dal-Mi has the ability. Ji-Pyeong arrives. Dal-Mi intends to leave. A-Hyun picks up Dal-Mi’s bag and hangs it on her shoulder. She tells her that bluffing without a real plan makes her a fraud. She thinks she is like her father.

Dal-Mi tears up after getting into Do-San’s car. She tells him to drive her anywhere. Ji-Pyeong gets in the taxi and tells the drive to follow Do-San. Doo-Jung shows up. A-Hyun tells the follower to call a taxi for her. In-Jae tells A-Hyun to greet Doo-Jung. But A-Hyun rejects it because she’s upset.

In-Jae spots Sang-Su and wonders why he stays by her dad’s side. A-Hyun tells In-Jae that Doo-Jung is going to introduce his friends to Sang-Su. In-Jae points out that Sang-Su is just her secretary. A-Hyun thinks In-Jae is a fool and reveals Sang-Su is going to steal everything from her.

In-Jae walks to Doo-Jung and gives the wine to him. He takes the wine and leaves with Sang-Su. Ji-Pyeong looks for Do-San and Dal-Mi at the street and finds his car. He spots the two sitting on the bench. Dal-Mi eats the snack with Do-San and asks him why he doesn’t ask her about what she did.

Do-San tells Dal-Mi that he’s pretending to be a quiet and handsome man. She laughs and worries that her hair won’t grow. But he tells her that it’s false. Ji-Pyeong texts Do-San and tells him to drive Dal-Mi home. Dal-Mi mistakes that Do-San has a girlfriend.

Do-San wants to drive Dal-Mi home. But she rejects it and tells him to leave. He walks to the car but turns around. He asks her if she opened the music box. She admits it praises him. He walks to her and gives her his business card. He adds that he doesn’t have a girlfriend. She says that she doesn’t have a boyfriend. He gives her the signed ball. Ji-Pyeong sees it and gets angry.

Ji-Pyeong scolds Do-San in his house and tells him not to contact Dal-Mi. But Dal-Mi texts Do-San and asks him what he wants to eat. Ji-Pyeong gets Do-San to tell Dal-Mi that he doesn’t need anything and say sweat dreams to her. Dal-Mi sees the message and thrills to kiss her phone. She tells Won-Deok that she met Do-San, and reveals he’s very handsome.

Won-Deok meets with Ji-Pyeong and tells him that she intends to tell Dal-Mi the truth. In-Jae arrives at the office. She tells the secretary to confirm her flight. But she’s told that she has a meeting. She’s confused. Doo-Jung shows up and tells In-Jae that he wants to have a talk with her.

Sang-Su gets coffees for Doo-Jung and In-Jae. Doo-Jung asks In-Jae if he gave too many works to her. She denies. Sang-Su points his index finger at the nosebleed at her sleeve. She stops him. Doo-Jung thinks he should care for In-Jae’s body condition. He tells her to give her works to Sang-Su.

In-Jae tells Doo-Jung that the investors won’t feel comfortable if he does so. But he points out that he and Sang-Su own most of the shares. In-Jae agrees to give all of her works to Sang-Su.

Dal-Mi buys her colleagues lunch and waits for the elevator. The man shows up and asks about the president’s office. Manager Jung tells the guy that the place is on the 32nd floor, and the elevator cannot reach there. So the guy chooses another elevator.

Seo-Hyun thinks Dal-Mi bought their lunch because she wanted to renew her contract. But Dal-Mi denies and packs her stuff after she returned to her office. The human resources manager promises to help Dal-Mi if someone bullies her. She denies it and tells him that she wants to go to the 32nd floor.

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